Sabtu, November 29, 2008

weird feeling.. who am i?

there's this feeling.. dunno how to name it, mungkin karena aku terlalu dikuasai oleh perasaanku sendiri, it's so hard dealing with my feeling..
sumtimes, even.. my heart race with my mind! UGGH!
i feel like.. i dun know me, ini kayak bukan aku, aku ngga boleh gini, those kinds of thought..
yea, no easy to be a loser, and am such a loser..
does everyone hate loser? i think they does..
but i wanna heal, healed, i just wanna be a better me.. a new me maybe kinda hard, it's just.. i need a shoulder to cry on, bessie..
ah, tapi ngga separah itu denk, lagi lebay mode ne ^^

in the end,
try the therapy by dokter rina, hahaha
and smile more 'na!


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